Tumblr goes PRO for April's Fool

Hello everyone! Happy April fool's Day! and have you active the Tumblr PRO? A new fun feature from Tumblr in this special day. When you "click" on the Tumblr Pro (Free) a video will come:

"At tumblr we believe in ideas, we believe in going pro. A pro doesn’t see limits. A pro crushes the limits. Bone by bone, idea by idea. You’ve always been a pro. Whether you know it or not, in the boardroom, in the bedroom. On main street and on Wall Street. It was always there. A big idea. Waiting for you to grab it. Waiting for you to go pro..."

 → If you active the Tumblr PRO a new feature will pop - THE HAT STYLE! The avatar (profile photo) of the blogs you follow will have a gentleman's hat, because after all Tumblr is only for PROS. Happy April fool's Day everyone!