New Fonts for your Tumblr! from

Here's your weekly newest fonts for you! And no, Tumblog-it! is not affiliate it with this website - this article is only for public knowledge to make your blog and graphics even better!

Check the newest fonts! Remember the link post here will take you to the author's page - so you can directly download it. We do not take any credit for this fonts.

• Birds of Paradise by Script House
Manus by JOEBOB graphics
KG All of Me by Kimberly Geswein
• End of the dream by Misti's Fonts
BubbleBaZ by Brano
Rabbit Moon by Daniel Scadden
Kindergarden by Andre Haugen
Jack Trades by Xerographer Fonts
Pink Vapor by Qkila
X-Fighters by Iconian Fonts [x-men]
Linear Script by Se22
The Medic by Viktor Hamburger
• Xsotik by Andrew McCluskey