New! search and explore tools to Tumblr’s iPhone, iPad, and Android apps.

Hello Everyone! On July 09, 2013 Tumblr announced their updates and upgrades on the Tumblr app for iPhone, iPad and Android phones. If you're using the Tumblr app for any of this devices make sure to download the update!

TUMBLR STAFF original message:
"One of our favorite things is getting lost in the endless sea of creativity posted here every single day. We’re constantly inspired by what we find on Tumblr.

To help you find more of the stuff you love, we’re bringing brand new search and explore tools to Tumblr’s iPhone, iPad, and Android apps. Now you can check out what’s trending on Tumblr and get suggested blogs for anything you search. Enjoy! And let us know what you find."

Download the update from the following links on your phone: