Flying Twiiter Bird For Tumblr

Want a cute twitter bird flying around your blog?well just simply copy the code below and add it below the
< body >

  • Go to customize then click the "THEME" menu then on your keyboard press ctrl + f then type 
  • < body > (with no space) then just below the body tag paste the code.also dont forget to replace the USERNAME HERE with your twitter username.

Save and Close.

Adobe Photoshop

CS4 PORTABLE - Works in Windows XP

And here is the link for the Adobe Photoshop CS5 program - works in windows 7
Link 2

Important Scripts to install on tumblr

If you want this to show in your dashboard:

Install this:

And if you want to show someone's ask without going to their page..

Install this:
On your dashboard hover the person's Icon then you'll see something like this:
click that and it click the ask  The ask will not show up of her ask is not enabled:p

How to track Anons

Tutorial from:

1. highlight the block button

2. right click the highlighted and select.
* note: it may be worded differently depending on the browser you use.

3. find where it says i.p, highlight & copy
*note: i took out some random numbers of mine so i dont get creeps ;)

4. paste the i.p address in the following website to get town & state, address is NOT correct, you can even try your own.
*note: not always accurate, most of the time tho.


How to create a separate page on tumblr

Go here:

Scrollbar Effect

If you want the scrollbar of your page more personalized than the plain one then insert this code in the Css  just above the < / s t y l e > tag:
To customize the srollbar background find this and replace the bolded part with the image that you want:

  •  background-image:url(;
To change the scrollbar main background find this part and put the color hex code that you want:
  • background: #FFC4D5;
Thats it.

NOTE: Works in Google Chrome ONLY.

Flick Photostream Code

1.Copy the code below and paste in the CSS area of the html code just above the < / style > tag:

2.After that copy the code below and paste in the sidebar of the theme you are using:

3.Now that you have applied all the codes needed go get you FLICKR ID.

If you dont see numbers when you go to your flick profile just go to this site and get your flickr ID:

4.After getting your flickr ID go to the code and paste in the FLICKR ID HERE part.
5.To adjust the color,image and number of photos showed pls edit the Code provided in step 1.

Scroll To Top Graphics!

Click on the image to get the code.
Place the code inside the <head> tags. Do not remove credits!

Typewriter Title Bar Effect

Paste the code in between the <head></head> tags.
Replace the TEXT HERE in the code into your own Title of your tumblr.

How to make amazing animation

Do you wanna make a gif like this?

»Just Click and Download this Software«

How To DownLoad And Install Fonts (

2. Choose the Fonts you want as for me i chose Bambino.
4.Then If you are using Mozilla Double Click on the file’s name=)
5. New window will open this is where you can extract the font from a zip file. If its in a RAR format you can download winrar through google=)  So CLICK extract file.
6.New window will open again..copy the extracted file=)
7.Click START and then look for CONTROL PANEL.
8. New window will open look for FONTS.Right click and paste!!


<form action=”” method=”post”><select name=”url” style=”width: 150px; height: 20px; font-size: 11px; background-color: #f0cef0; color: #000000;”><option>NAVIGATION</option>
<option value=”LINK HERE“>Name Of Link</option>
<option value=”LINK HERE“>Name Of Link</option>
<option value=”LINK HERE“>Name Of Link</option>
</select> <input type=”submit” style=”border-width: 2px; border-color: #000000; background-color: #4dcdd1;” value=”Go!”></form>
THE Bolded Text and numbers are can add another link by just adding another  ” <option value=”LINK HERE“>Name Of Link</option> ” in the code.

IF YOU DONT HAVE ANY IDEA ABOUT HTML you can just visit this Site:

ALL CREDITS TO: Myspacegens
NOTE: Pls retype the quotation marks!or it will not work.


1.Insert the following stylesheet into the <head> section of your page:

2.Insert the below code into the <body> section of your page.

3.Finally, add the following inside any link or page element that will contain a tooltip:

Example: <a href=”” onMouseover=”ddrivetip(‘Go Back To Main Page’,’#ffffff’, 200)”;onMouseout=”hideddrivetip()”>

How To Add Background Music

1. CLICK->
2.Type In The song that you want:
3.CLick The Title of The song:
4. 1.Click any of the skins you want
    2.Click The Word With Play
    3.Copy the code from BLOG
6.Find The Tab With “INFO”
7.Paste The code and youre done.
A. Set the height and width into “1”
B. Place the code In the Custom HTML Code Just After <HEAD>

How to Post Process pictures

The easiest way to add photo effects for photography, personal photo and etc. is to use the so called "Photoshop Actions"

Pls follow the picture below to know how: (Click to enlarge)

You can download tons of Photoshop Action on just type in the search box: Photoshop Actions

How to add mp3 player

1.First sign up here or here.
 2.After that upload the mp3 song that you want on the site that I mentioned for you to sign up above.Where to download mp3 songs? 4shared, ahh you can google it.
3.Copy the player's code below and paste in the notepad:
4.Go back to the site where you uploaded the mp3 get the file's Direct Url.The link must end in .mp3
5.Copy the direct link of the mp3.
 6.After copying the mp3's direct link go Find the word MP3 URL HERE in the players code and delete and replace it with the mp3's direct link or url.
7.Copy all the code and paste in the INFO box. thats beside the THEME menu on the customize page.
 8.It should play if you followed the instructions right:)

Circling Text Trail Cursor Effect

Simply add the code below the < head > tag of the layout's code:

Tinker Bell Dust Cursor Effect

Paste the code below the < head > tag of the layout code:)

Rainbow link effect

Simple paste the code under the < head > tag of the layout code.

Floating Bubbles Cursor effect

Simply add the following code under the < HEAD > section of your web page (Press Ctrl C after selecting code to copy it:)

Right click,select all then copy.

Disable Rigth Click (Silent)

Simply add the following code to the <BODY> section of your web page (Press Ctrl C after selecting code to copy it):

Disable Rigth Click with Alert

Simply add the following code to the <BODY> section of your web page (Press Ctrl C after selecting code to copy it):

Enabling Ask, Reply and Submit!

Ask - It allows people to ask or send a message through your tumlr ask box.
Reply - It allows followers to directly reply to your posts in their dashboards.
Submit -It allows people to submit pictures,videos,music and etc.

If you are wondering why you feel alone while on tumblr then you probably forgot to enable these=))

1.Go to Customize
2.Find The COMMUNITY on the menu beside the SAVE and CLOSE buttons.
3.Check everything.
4.Save and close=)

How to detect tumblr unfollowers!

  1. These are the complete installation instructions. You first need to download and install the GreaseMonkey add-on. It works in almost any browser outthere, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari.
  2. Download Tumblr Unfollow Tracker script.
  3. Always position your cursor over the followers counter to actually see the ? symbol and click on it to pop up the window that lest you see the people who unfollowed you.


  1. It only detects unfollows after it is installed, not prior to it.
  2. A Tumblr username change or a deleted account will also be interpreted as an unfollow.
  3. If a user follows and then unfollows during last time you checked and before you check again, it won’t show.

Another way to detect unfollowers is through the website called "OpenInferno":
It lets you trace your unfollowers by logging into the site with your tumblr email and password:)

Easy way to organize your Tumblr!

Wondering how to make everything organized,like you want your post
to be in one group (putting tags) or delete some of your non sense posts and reblogs haa just go here:

Tumblr Mega Editor

Its one of my fave:p

Tumblr Ask Code


How to make a youtube video hidden and autoplayed?

1.Go to
2.Find / search the video or music that you want.
3.Get the code.Click the EMBED button just under the video player.
4.Now to autoplay it, add ?autoplay=1 in the code.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="200" height="27" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

5.To hide it set the width and height into this:

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="1" height="1" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

6.If you dont want it hidden you can play around with the width and height^^
7.Paste the code either in the description or html body.

Getting a Free domain name for Tumblr.

In this tutorial i am going to teach you how to get a free domain name for your tumblr!I will be using two sites that will help you make your url shorter than usual.We are going to use and .tk because these are the only free domain names i know so far=)

Lets start with .CO.CC:

1.Create an account now.
2.Sign in to your account.
3.Go and Get A New Domain.
4.Type the desired domain name then check for availability=)
5.Continue to registration.
6.New page will show up saying:
We have received your request for domain name registration.Now you must click the SET UP button.
7.In setting up pls follow this:

HOST- Thats the domain name you choose.
TTL - 1D
VALUE -72.32.2318

8.Click set up button.
9.Wait for hours before applying the domain on your tumblr.

Free domain name from DOT.TK:
1.Pls go to the Dot TK site
2.Type the desired domain name then click next to start registering.
3.Choose free domain name > next >
4.On the next page choose

Or - use your own DNS?

 Type for IP Address.

5.continue filling up the form,type your email address and all..
6.Youre done you can now use the domain .tk to your blog=)

Image Mapping

Basic tutorial: Image Mapping
1.Click this->
2. Get the image that you wanna use.
  •  1.Paste The URL of the image in the first box
  • 2.Click Load Image
  • 3.Click New Link

4.Lets start adding links to the image.By clicking new link you will see a white transparent box popping out on the image.

5.Just simply drag that to the area of the image you wanna add link example is HOME.

6.Then Lets type the link in the 2nd box:

7.Done.If you wanna add more links like adding link to ARCHIVE, RANDOM,RSS just repeat nos 4-6.
8. Get the final code by clicking the MAKE CODE button.copy and paste the code in your layout html code.

How to redirect your old url to your new tumblr url.

1.Make a new blog using your old url click here.
2.Go to Customize Page  then theme option on top.
3.Delete all the code.
4.Copy and paste this code:

5.Type your new url,replace this YOUR_NEW_URL with your new url.
6.Save and close.

Endless scrolling tumblr code

1.Add this one line of code to your Description. No need to even mess
with custom html or div’s! Go ahead and try it:

NOTE: It is very important that, after you paste the code you retype all the quotation marks, there are a total of 4.  Otherwise the endless scrolling page won’t work, and I found out this is the only reason many people complain that this code is useless when it’s not.  Somehow the quotation marks get pasted in italics or backwards.

Also there are themes that are not compatible with the code if it didnt work after applying it means you need to change the theme otherwise dont use the code lol

2.Save and close.

How to Reblog your own post on tumblr.

People specially newbies are having a hard time reblogging their own post whether its a photo,video,music and all.I myself wondered why i can easily reblog someone else’s  post but not being able to do it with my own.I googled it and found the easy way to reblog my own post.

  1. Right Click on the following bookmarklet link – REBLOG YOUR OWN POST ON TUMBLR – and choose “Bookmark this link” (I didn’t see that option in the Chrome Browser, so use Firefox or Explorer)
  2. Now, once you are on one of the posts of yours that you want to reblog (not the dashboard, but the article itself ) Click on the Reblogging bookmark you just saved and you will be taken to the reblogging edition screen.
thats it.

How to convert Blogskin to Tumblr theme

1.First Visit This Site and Choose The theme That you wanna use for tumblr:)
2.DOWNLOAD the Themes Code.

3.Find This part of the Code and DELETE!!!!!!!!
  • <BlogItemTitle>
  • <$BlogItemTitle$>
  • </BlogItemTitle>
  • <$BlogItemBody$>
Or you can just find the <blogger> tag delete  all the code inside it until </blogger> just like the picture below.

4.CLICK THE LINK BELOW ,COPY AND PASTE THE CODE IN THE DELETED PART OF THE CODE above to replace the blogger's main code with tumblrs.
IMPORTANT CODE: Click this for the code

5.After that we have two CSS to fix/add..what the hell is CSS?ahmm nothing it will just make your layout more lovely.The first css code is for the post details the ones with "reblog link,time/date posted" whatever  you can find it below the post.

Add this code just before the </style> tag!find that..then paste this:

.tumblrdate {
padding: 5px 0 0 0;
font-family:  arial, serif;
text-transform: uppercase;

You can edit the code above,the font style,color and so-on.the second code is for the Post title!

.header { 
font: 25px  Trebuchet Ms; 
text-transform: uppercase; 
line-height: 130%;
text-align:  ; 

6.Copy All The Codes and you can apply the theme now:) We are Done Converting!!!!!